Andrea Kvas

24.01 – 24.02.2020

The exhibition consists in 7 paintings realised by the artist in 2019. The works are characterised by a strong formal variety. This diversity originates from Kvas’ painting approach defining itself through the process. The viewer is then invited to analyse the pictorial composition with an active approach following the material traces of the unexpected occurred during its development.
In his practice, Kvas combines a gestural attitude with optical and kinetic influences: apparently regular grids and patterns merge with a vibrant use of color that invites the  viewer to a dynamic fruition of the works.
Kvas defines his works as ‘constructions’ where the pictorial representation is not a simulation of reality but an attempt to reproduce its intrinsic dynamics:
If, for example, I wanted to create an illuminated area – explains the artist – I would look for a material or a working method allowing me to create a reflective surface, being it as light as a neon light or as dark as the night“.